Friday, May 16, 2008

The Dragon Skin

I knew of most of you are excited to watch the coming Narnia Movie on theater as I do. It was based on the book written by the famous C.S Lewis. C.S Lewis is a brilliant book author.

In the fifth Chronicle of Narnia, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Edmund, Lucy, and their spoiled cousin Eustace are summoned to help on a quest in the Eastern Sea. Along the way, Eustace is tempted by enchanted treasure and turned into a dragon. The desperate dragon accepts the help of the great lion Aslan, king of Narnia. But Eustace can only be freed by allowing Aslan’s claws to painfully tear off the dragon’s flesh. Grateful for his deliverance, Eustace chooses to become a better boy.

Receiving God’s gift of salvation through Christ is a one-time event, but to become like Him often requires suffering and struggle. It involves putting off old sinful habits and replacing them with new godly ones. Paul wrote, “Put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt . . . [and] put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness” (Eph. 4:22-24).

What is troubling you today? God may be using the kind rebuke of a friend or a painful trial to prompt you to get rid of a sinful habit and to replace it with godly character (Rom. 8:29; 1 Peter 4:1-2).

The process of becoming like Christ is sometimes painful, but it’s always worth it.

— Dennis Fisher

To be like Jesus is our goal,
Though it doesn’t happen fast;
We trust the Spirit as our Guide
Till we’re glorified at last. —Branon

The conversion of a soul is the miracle of a moment; the growth of a saint is the work of a lifetime.

Note: taken from Our Daily Bread.


Jan said...


thanks for joining my entrecard drop list. i'm here to drop my card, obviously. exlinks ta ha... sa sad. thanks.

Anonymous said...

Another Narnia fanatic...whew! cheers!