Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Custom Embroidery

When I was in Thailand, I was surprised to see that the elementary and high school students didn't wear school IDs. I asked my Thai friend about it and she said their school uniforms have their names and the school’s name embroidered on them. Well, I didn't know how to read Thai at that time so that was the reason I didn't know what was on the student shirts. Using embroidered names and logos was a neat idea, because when using ID cards there is the possibility of losing them. Anyway, if your company is looking for a place where they can buy custom embroidery on a wide range of items including t-shirts, polo shirts, button-down shirts, long sleeve shirts, hats, shorts and bags, then is the place for you. You can make your own design and upload the logo to see what it would look like as custom embroidery. Visit to see more details.

Bad Ice Storm

When my hubby check the weather a minute ago, he spotted the news headlines. It said bad ice storm causes death of 3 people. One of the incedent was an old lady drove her car and slid. That throw her body out of the car. It wasn't easy to drive in the wet or slippery road. We could hardly get a snow or ice here so our car tire's doesn't have snow tires. I always reminded my hubby to watch the weather and do extra careful when he driving back and forth. He has to cross the bigger bridge here in Little going to work everyday. When you are somewhere today, be careful!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Icy, freezing outside

We got an icy road since been raining of ice last night. It should be starting to melt soon that is the reason why the state offices will be open around 10am today. My hubby still in the bed-trying to get some more sleep. I have to get up-my tummy was telling me so,lol. I am baking the biscuits in the oven right now. As soon it will cook I'm ready to eat cause I'm hungry! Oh well, that's the nature of a human, drink and merry! I am trying to make myself awake here right now. I need to finish my homework. A Dios Amigos!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Death by Starvation

Lately, the media keeps talking about financial crisis all over the world. Many people died because of starvation. Like the country of Africa; they don't have enough food or water to drink. They have no place to live or clothes to wear. This is real...and it has been real for a long, long time.

Have you heard about holodomor? According to Wikipedia, the Holodomor is a Ukrainian word that has the meaning of death by starvation. The famine was caused by the food requisition actions carried out by Soviet authorities. The Holodomor is considered one of the greatest national catastrophes to affect the Ukrainian nation in modern history where millions of inhabitants of Ukraine died of starvation in an unprecedented peacetime catastrophe. Is that something? Many numbers of innocent died during this time. The saddest was some Ukrainian politicians, including Viktor Yuschenko, have recently argued that the famine may have been designed as an attack on Ukraine, and therefore, should fall under the legal definition of genocide. I don't know the whole story about this, but if this is the truth I pity them, especially the children. My prayers are that God will intervene in the midst of them and give them freedom from famine, starvation and even given them peace!

Making Financial Statement

On the first day of my class last Saturday our teacher gave us tones of homework to do this week. Yes, lots of homework. Anyway, when I got home I started making my homework until last night. I was on the solving the problem lastnight and I didn't finish because kinda late and was our bedtime.

While I was slepping last night I kept dreaming about making my financial statement. Whew, I woke up to realized it was only a dream. Hope I will finish my homework today- I'll try to follow that I did in my dreams. Who knows that was the real answer-right?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Equestrian Cupid

It has been almost 5 years since the first time my hubby and I met online. Yes, we met on one of those dating sites. It started in my curiosity. I had met several friends online and hearing their testimonies on how they met their husbands online. I wanted to prove that this could be possible and real. How can we know if the people we communicate with are honest to what they say? To be honest I talked to a lot of men online; in fact I had a good friend for a couple of years. Talking to him was nice, but deep inside my heart I could not trust him. He had something inside of him that I didn't understand and it made me very uneasy. When I decided not to talk to him at all I felt such a peace inside me. It was a relief! How about my hubby? When my hubby found me on the dating site we exchanged emails and information. I felt his sincerity as he offered his friendship to me and I did the same. We exchanged ideas, shared thoughts and he introduced me to his sister on the day we met. With those actions he showed enough to lead me to give him my trust. For almost a year, we realized that we had both fallen in love and didn’t want to let each other get away. We met and we got married right away.

Love is in the air. Don't get lonesome. You can meet someone who shares your interests. If you love horses, here is a very accommodating dating site called EquestrianCupid. EquestrianCupid is an exclusive community for horse lovers and equestrian cupids to meet horseback riding buddies, discover uncharted trails, pursue the country lifestyle, locate the best riding areas , and meet someone to share your country pursuits. Over the years they have achieved tremendous success. This is your chance to meet someone you are longing for; this is a FREE sign-up!

Help In Tight Places!

God is our refuge and strength. - Psalm 46:1 NAS
Who am I in the sight of my creator? Yesterday, when I came home from school I had a little pressures for all the homeworks that our accounting teacher gave us. I didn't have a book to follow her lecture yesterday so I had a hard time understanding everything she said. Anyway, I bought my book after class and started doing my homework lastnight. I got frustrated but I kept going. Finally, after awhile I understand and everything go smoothly. I thank the Lord for my hubby who patiently accompany me learning my accounting.
I read my devotional this morning from The Word For Today by Bob Gass: We live in a troubled world. Natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina, 9/11, tsunamis, wars, the mortgage crisis and soaring petrol prices have tapped the roots of our anxiety. Every night the media invades our homes bringing it all to us in real time, exposing us to a new phenomenon called 'compassion fatigue'. Modern-day psychiatrists identify the helplessness, stress, vulnerability and depression we feel watching and wondering, "What if we are next to be targeted by terrorists or slammed by forces of nature? Who will protect us?"

To the fearful in heart, the Bible says three things: (1) "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" (Ps 46:1 NAS). The margin of the New American Standard Bible renders this last phrase, "Abundantly available for help in tight places." Isn't that great! When you're in a tight spot, God is abundantly available to help you. Notice, it doesn't say that God will help you occasionally or reluctantly. No, He will do it abundantly and faithfully. What more do you need? (2) "Therefore we will not fear" (v.2 NIV). You needn't panic, talk defeat, or give in to despair. The songwriter said, "He's as close as the mention of His name." Just breathe His name in prayer, and He'll be there for you. (3) "Let the oceans roar...Let the mountains tremble" (v.3 NLT). When everything you once thought to be stable and dependable is threatened and shaken to the core - you will be where you have always been - in the strong and loving arms of God; the One who is "abundantly available to help in tight places".

Why we fear...God is in control of everything!

Stem Cell Collection:New Year's Resolution

What are your New Year's resolutions? When I was in high school many years ago, every first day of class every after New Year’s Day our teacher would give us this assignment. Huh? I guess, I fulfilled some of my New Year's resolutions, because I would not be the person right now without doing those good things that would help make me the person I desired to be. You know when we write our New Year's resolutions we write all positive things. Did you write New Year's resolution for this year? I wrote a few...didn't you? Well, that's alright. Anytime of the year we can always make yearly resolutions. I'll suggest for women to be resolute about taking care of their health and future into their own hands. You can now easily do so with C’elle.

If you don't know about C'elle. C'elle is an exclusive and revolutionary service that provides women with the unique opportunity to collect and preserve vital stem cells that can be collected from the body's menstrual fluid during the menstrual cycle. I was amused when I found about this and I highly recommend to all women out there. Not only that, the latest science has revealed that stem cells collected from a woman’s own menstrual blood may be used in treating a number of possibly life-threatening diseases that she, a parent, a sibling or even her children may face in later years, such as osteoporosis, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. How cool is that? Not only one person can benefit, but this could help to cure serious illness of your loved ones. Do not wait for tomorrow, check out their Pricing page and get an information on how to order on the Order Now page. Save life with, C'elle.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

My first day of school

Of course, I was excited! My hubby got up before our alarm rang this morning, I asked him where he was going and he said he was going to prepare breakfast for me. Huh?, sweet...:-)
I got up on weekdays to prepare his breakfast and lunch and he thought it would be cool if he do the same thing for me on weekend now that I start going to school. I got up and head to take a shower when I saw my hubby went back in. I asked him what he was cooking; he laughed and said I hired a cook. Lol, my mom-in-law was up and cooking breakfast for everybody. They were all excited to see me going to school too. I am like the kindergarden
How's my first day of school? In general was great excepts the bunch of homeworks to take home. Oh well, I say goodbye temporary on playing games right now and hello "homeworks". We only have one day class a week for 3 hours though. So far, I have 2 classmates consider to be consider as good friends. I praise God for that. Also, I bought my books after school today. They were very expensive; that challenge me to strive for A grades, hehehe. I better continue working on my homework.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Great mind thinks alike

Often times my hubby and I thought the same thing. My in-laws always told us this saying "great mind thinks alike". True,lol. That means no arguments gonna happen. Lastnight, while we were resting and watching tv in our bedroom I suddenly thought about pancakes. Yes, I want to eat pancakes after our dinner. My hubby thought IHOP-that makes sense? Without any further explanations we both decided to go to IHOP and ate pancakes. Oh yeah, it was so good!

This morning, my sister-in-law and I chatted. I was home she was in her office. We were talking what should be good for dinner tonight. We convinced my parents-in-law to come up and stay for a night here this evening. Actually, their first plan is to come up tomorrow but I have my class and my hubby is going to work in his music. So glad they changed their plan and go on what we suggested on them. Oppppsss, where am I? Lol. I told my sister-in-law that I could make pot roast for dinner. This is easy and yummy. She said that I think the same thing as my mom-in-law thought. But, she suggested that we will just get roasted chicken at the store for dinner and pot roast tomorrow lunch. After awhile I told my sister-in-law of the phrase "Great mind thinks the same", and exactly she sent me the same phrase"Great mind thinks alike". Oh well, what we supposed to say?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

2009 Obama Inauguration Rally Signs

Today is the day that we inaugurate the new President Elect Obama who will take the duty of President of United States. To make the nation successful and to help it to recover from the downturn of the economy, we have to be united in one purpose; supporting the newly elected President and his plans. Our leaders need us and need our prayers and support. To order the 2009 Obama Inauguration Rally Signs, check out Your orders should be paid via PayPal. These signs only cost $9.99 each and includes free ground shipping via 1st class USPS and will ship within 24 hours of purchase. Compared to the regular list price of $25.00 with shipping, for the next 10 days these are only $9.99 with free shipping. What do you think? As the saying says "Together we stand, divided we fall". May God Bless America!

Officially enrolled!

Finally, I'm going back to school this semester. After of so many prayers and considerations, God open the door for me to go back to school. Two months ago, when I filled the enrollment form online of one of the school here in Arkansas. When they reviewed my transcript; they advised me to see the counselor.

It was last week when my hubby and I went to the school to see the counselor and arranged my class. So thankful they credited a lot of my subject from my former school in Philippines. All my class fall on Saturday and I am very, very happy about it. Actually I am very excited-I don't know what will be school life again after for so long but I am holding on the promise of God through his word in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans for you, not to harm you but to give you hope and a future. I pray that I will be a blessing to my classmates and professors. You can pray for me that I'll be the light in the campus, I appreciate!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Car Parts

Too bad my parents-in-law could not bring my car tomorrow here to Sherwood. They have to leave early for my mom's doctor appointment. Anyway, I got the car from one of our Grandmothers here. She gave us her old car since she bought a new and better car for herself. I was so excited when she told us we can take the car home for free. It’s kinda old, but all the car parts are working well. Are you looking for a place to buy car parts at low prices? CarPartsWarehouse is your home for Auto Parts, Car Parts, Truck Parts, Import Parts, Performance Parts and Automotive Accessories. They sell at the lowest prices guaranteed and all come with Free Shipping.

Below Freezing

We are below freezing today. When I look on the window this morning I saw the snow flakes dropping on our patio. Because I had my temperature back again, I went outside and I didn't felt that bad. It felt good again.

When my temperature went back to normal I feel how cold is right now. So thankful it didn't snow today that my parents-in-law are able to drive from Arkansas City coming up here. We are going to celebrate Dad's 65th birthday. I feel better at this moment...though sometimes my temperature goes up a little bit but I'm fine.


I love to travel, but I don't want to bring a huge bag of luggage. I usually travel with small travel bags, maybe because I don't want to have too much pressure keeping up with my stuff, especially at the airport. I always make sure that I can carry my bag too, so that I don't need any assistance from anyone. Yes, I'm a light traveler.

I heard that the bikers travel a lot from Canada down to Mexico. Can you imagine how far they drove to get there? Do they get any sleep on the road? During the summer I saw a lot of bikers driving on the roads. Usually, they have their own organizations and they travel in groups. I don't know what are their reasons for doing that are, but maybe they all enjoy of what they are doing. They brought a lot of stuff with them for sure. has all the supplies to make your journey on the road smooth. They sell an affordable set of hard saddlebags styled specifically for cruisers. You know that feeling…too much good stuff and not enough space. Be it the All-American, urban cowboy with fringes, hard leather, ‘King of the Road’ with studs, the sharp, structured Teutonic, the classic, ‘50’s, rubber rock ‘n roller, the conservative commuter, or the long haul, standard tourist, there are unique saddlebags for every type of biker – never leave your stuff behind again. Check out for all the items you need your safe!

I hate being sick

I was very ill yesterday. As long as I remember that was the bad fever I got in my whole life. Last Tuesday after I took a shower I felt very cold. I thought it was normal because the temperature here is below freezing. I put on my jacket and still won't enough. I checked my temperature and it says normal. After an hour I checked my temperature again to my surprised it was 100°F. I had a fever...I took tylenol but it didn't go away.

In the afternoon, when my hubby and I went to the school to arranged my schedule I felt really, really bad. I thought I could not make it to stay longer in the campus. I felt my temperature went up. I was taking the typing tests and I felt so warm...but I made it anyway. That means I don't need to take the typing class anymore. Yesterday, I was frightened when I checked my temperature after 2 hours when my hubby left home to work. It was 103.3°F. I told my hubby about it and we both freak out. That was high...I took a shower and that helps to calmed me down. Because I could not take any solid food right now, my hubby made me some fruitshake. It's cold and helping me to lower down my temperature. Again, lastnight while my baby was at the church, he came home when his class was over. I was chillin', shivering, cold. My temperature went up and up upto 104.5°F. It scared us so bad. Because when temperature goes up more it would be can cause brain damage. I got up, took a shower and my hubby brought me outside. The cold blowing wind felt so great on me; my hubby was cold. I stayed outside until my temperature went down to 100°F. I was thirsty so I drink a glass of fruitshake and 2 glass of very cold water...that helps. My temperature eventually went down to 98°F. When we checked my temperature around 2am this morning, it was 99.2°F. I took medicine and Thank God the fever's gone when we woke up this morning. Huh, my body still tired..I need to get some more rest today.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Make Ripples

I just want to share with you this wonderful word that rebuke me this morning. I was in the stage of wondering, worrying, doubting about everything. I asked couple times can I do this, that? What are my abilities and my strength. Here's the answers: God chose the weak things. - 1 Corinthians 1:27 NIV

The story's told of Elzéard Bouffier, a 55-year-old widower who lived in a French village in 1910, surrounded by poverty and despair. So he did something; he collected thousands of acorns and planted them throughout the area. When they took root, he cultivated beeches. When they become saplings, he planted birches. One day, amidst the death and devastation of World War I, a mysterious grey mist appeared on the horizon. It was the oaks of 1910, below them the adolescent beeches, and below them the tiny birch seedlings. Bouffier kept planting, and at the end of World War II, French environmentalists announced that a "natural forest" had "mysteriously" sprung up, flourishing amidst its barren surroundings. But the story doesn't end there; his forest started a chain reaction. Water flowed in brooks that had dried up. The wind scattered seeds, and willows, rushes, meadows and gardens sprang up. New people came to live there, bringing with them hope and prosperity. Elzéard Bouffier found acorns, planted them, and God did the rest.

God can do much with little. Look what He did for David with a sling and a stone. Watch Him feed five thousand with a boy's lunch. And He will do the same for you! Your life is like a pebble: it may not look like much, but drop it into a pond and watch the ripples spread in every direction.

Every day you live you have three options: (a) Think only of yourself and your own interests. (b) Since success doesn't come without the possibility of failure, take no risks and go no further. (c) Ask God to show you what you've got, then use it to make ripples.taken from The Word of Today devotional.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Colon Cleanser

What is beautiful to you? When my hubby and I see pictures of celebrities, we ask each other if she/ he is good looking. Reason being, sometimes I would say that that person is very good looking, but my husband would disagree. He pointed someone else and I disagreed as well. But, oftentimes we have said the same thing about the same person regardless of the outward beauty. Indeed, beauty is in the eye of beholder. How can you enhance your beauty in healthy way? The first Dual-Action Cleanse is the ultimate colon cleanse formula available on the market today.
We are not so blind that we cannot see that most people here in America live unhealthy lifestyles; even the younger generations have serious illnesses. That's why Dual-Action Cleanse is helping people to start living a new healthy lifestyle today. Yes, do not wait for tomorrow or another day, start a healthy lifestyle today. The idea behind the colon cleanse process is to eliminate the toxins which have built up in your digestive system. The detoxification processes of a Colon Cleanser treatment is so important to maintaining a healthy balance in your body that many doctors consider it to be key to personal wellness. The formula of Dual-Action Cleanser was designed to eliminate the waste and prevent toxins from being absorbed by your body thus it gives you a sense of increased energy. Isn't that great? This helps to boost your immunity too.

My New Favorite Movie

Last month when my hubby and I were picking movie to give to our Grandma Hollis, he was so excited to see the Rain Man movie on sale. He told me that he like this movie so much and wanted to get it. I didn't care...besides this movie was filmed 20 years ago. I saw Tom Cruise as one of the main actor in the movie but that was it. I had no clue what was the story all about.

I thought that "Rain Man" was a scary movie. I thought when it rains, the man will show up. I was wrong, yes I was and I was definitely wrong! I would say, Rain Man is my latest favorite movie. Last week, my hubby told me that we are going to watch the "Rain Man" that night. I joined first it wasn't very interesting and Tom Cruise was a Punk.

But after few minutes the story become exciting. I didn't want to missed every single scenes. Saturday evening after my hubby and I went out for a dinner date I asked him if we can watch this movie again. I told you...this is now my latest favorite movie. This movie made me think of "Am I my brother's keeper?".

The Wikipedia says, Rain Man is a 1988 dramatic film written by Barry Morrow and Ronald Bass and directed by Barry Levinson. It tells the story of an abrasive, selfish yuppie, Charlie Babbitt, who discovers that his father has left all of his multimillion-dollar estate to his brother, Raymond, of whose existence he knew nothing and who is an autistic savant.

The movie stars Tom Cruise as Charlie Babbit, Dustin Hoffman as Raymond Babbit, and Valeria Golino as Charlie's girlfriend, Susanna. Morrow created the character of Raymond after meeting Kim Peek, a real-life savant; his characterization was based on both Peek and Bill Sackter, a good friend of Morrow who was the subject of Bill, an earlier film that Morrow wrote.

Well, if you get a chance to watch this movie...I difinitely recommended!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Save money on gas

Before the year 2008 ended we witnessed a major downfall of gas prices. I was so excited about it. Though we only used one car it was still a big help for our budget when the gas prices went down. I know most of you were very happy too. There were times that my hubby thought about picking up his motorcycle from his friend’s house to take home so that he can use it going to work everyday. There are much more risks when driving a motorcycle than driving a car. Save money on gaswith several different techniques, but it's not good driving on the Interstate road.
There are so many ways to save money on gas. I know if you are like me you are excited to find out too. Here are several ways how to save money on gas like:
  • Remove unnecessary weight from your vehicle. Extra items in your car cause it to use more fuel. Remove extra weight like car seats, tools, baggage, etc. when they are not being used.
  • Slower driving improves fuel efficiency.Maintaining the appropriate speed limit conserves much more fuel than putting the pedal to the metal.
  • Roll your windows up on the interstate. While you may believe you are saving money when rolling your windows down, at high speeds, it actually increases the drag of your car. If you are driving at slow speeds around town, then rolling the windows down is more efficient. In town, roll them down, on the interstate, roll them up.

Do these tips help? Find out more tips on how to save money on your groceries, electric bills, etc. Check out>; it can help individuals and families save money with money saving tips, articles, calculators, free spreadsheets and more.


Yes, I'm so happy it's friday again. I am looking forward of weekend. After the long vacation, relaxing from the holidays it makes me lazy to get up in the morning. I just want to stay, snuggle under the covers. When I got up this morning I was saying "Thank God It's Friday"! I am still trying to motivate myself to accomplish lots of stuff today...I just had my breakfast but it didn't wake me up yet. Hope I can do bloghopping and dropping EC card today.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Cardfish Phone Call

When I get a chance I talk my friends online. Sometimes we use computer to computer calls. Many of you may understand what I mean. This is easier than typing the whole word you want to tell each other, especially if you are communicating with more than one person at a time. When you all know each other, doing a conference is much easier. Sometimes, I get tired of communicating with all my friends, because most of them will not respond. Have you had that experience?

On special occasions like Christmas, New Year and other common holidays I like it better to send one greeting for everyone. Of course it is not easy to think of each word to say. I know many people are doing the same thing too- Am I right? I found this website called Carfish which is a new personalized greeting card and messaging service that allows users to send innovative multi media cards to their friends. The service features short videos that can be personalized in various ways which include the insertion of text into the video narrative. You will be surprised because this technology allows for some pretty surprising and hilarious scenarios. Get connected with your friends and family by using the Cardfish Phone call. Test the service now by selecting a card, inserting your friend's details and then previewing what they would receive.

House Guests

The bestfriend of my sis-in-law and the family are going to spend the night here in the house tonight. They live in Nashville, TN and they went to see their family in Texas early this week. Since we live in the middle of the 2 states they want to stopby and see us. My sis-in-law requested me to cook my specialty, Beef Korean BBQ. The last time her friends stoppedby I prepare this dish and they wanted to taste once again. My hubby told me that I became more famous because of the Beef Korean Bbq. Whoever tasted may wanted! Actually, is not difficult to make...there's available mix at the Asian store,lol. Just tastes really good.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Golf Playing Guides

What are the latest trends today? Like almost every week, there are so many new products that have been introduced to the public. People keep buying and trying everything that is new. Who doesn't like new stuff? Especially when it comes to gadgets we want to upgrade all our stuff. Last week, when my hubby and I were shopping in different stores here in North Little Rock, Arkansas we looked at several electronic items. We saw a new model of video camera and I thought it would be nice if we could upgrade the video cam that we have. My hubby said, what's wrong with ours? Well, it's 2 years old, I retorted. I didn't have any reason actually...he responded by I like what we have. That was the latest model during its the time. Besides, that was the birthday present from my parents for you 2 years ago, he added. He was right!

Like the new devices we want to make sure that everything that we do is right. I've learned this from my hubby, that when he purchases a product online he would read the reviews to guide him so that he might pick the right now. What are the Hottest products reviews? Golf Playing Guides is quickly becoming a popular new seller, and team of reviewers will be there every step of the way, digging up the dirt and supplying you with compendious and comprehensive reviews on all of these Golf Playing Guides services. They are very confident that their product reviews will give you the sort of information that's crucial for making an educated decision for your next purchase. Come check them out today, and don't hesitate to tell your opinion about them.

S.M.A.R.T Start New Year's Resolution!

Every New year, everyone been asking the same questions, what are your new year's resolutions? Before the 2008 ended I evaluated myself of the new year's resolution I wrote last year. Where did I fail and what should I do next? Indeed, year 2008 was a year of tremendous blessing for us (me and my hubby). We seen so many of our prayers have been answered! The abundance of love and grace of the Lord has been sufficient for both of us too. We start our New Year's by thanking and praising God for all his faithfulness in our lives. God has given us a great challenge and encouragement for this year: Here' my S.M.A.R.T Start New Year's Resolution!

The righteous keep moving forward...and...become stronger. - Job 17:9 NLT
Whoever said, "Procrastination is the thief of time," was right. We keep postponing, promising ourselves we'll do better. Be honest, how many of last year's resolutions did you keep? This year do things differently. Make your goals S.M.A.R.T. In other words, make them:(S)pecific: Get up earlier in order to read your Bible and pray before going to work. Make time for your family. Exercise. Eat right. Take care of your body; it's God's temple (See 1 Cor 6:19-20).(M)oderate: tackling more than one project at a time dilutes your focus and makes it harder to stick with. When you start too much you finish too little. Start small and build on your successes by mastering and maintaining one thing at a time.(A)chievable: don't try to swallow the whole elephant in one bite. Baby steps are the name of the game. Paul said, "One thing I do" (Philp 3:13 NKJV). Talk in terms of what you will do instead of what you won't. For example, instead of saying, "I'm not going to be so critical," say, "Today I'm going to look for something good in everybody I meet" (See Philp 4:8).(R)ecordable: You can't manage what you can't measure. Documenting your progress (or lack of it!) makes you accountable, shows how far you've come and what you need to work on.(T)ime-specific: review your goals weekly (or daily if you're struggling). That way you can troubleshoot early, and change direction when necessary. The Bible says, "Throw yourself into your tasks so...everyone will see your progress" (1 Tim 4:15 NLT). Come on, make up your mind, get up off the couch and go for it! from The word for Today with Bob Glass. How about you? What are yours?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Unique Social Network Site

I've been a member of so many online networks for couples in the past. I found it is very fun and exciting, especially when I get connected with my old friends. I am amused by the speed by which all the social networking groups have grown since I started. Not only that, there are more new social networking sites that have just begun lately and still lots of people are wanting to join. I salute those people who came up with these idea.

Meet more friends and get connected with your old friends. Acobay is a new and unique social networking site. A few months ago, I created my account in this website and found an excellent use of it. Infact, my header picture came from this website for free. It's an absolutely unique consumer network website that is very useful, especially transforming your blogsite. Rather than to giving a detailed description here, I invite you to use it really for understanding what it is and why it is unique -

1) Register a new account
2) Share some stuff you own or places you have been - you may share 10 or more stuff for building a meaningful network.
3) Upload some photos for your stuff if necessary.
4) Post few new discuss topics or replies.
5) Browse Stuff Map and member's profile/network. Show your stuff, know your likes; visit their website to see more details.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Feel better today

I got over from holiday's sickness but my hubby was sick since last Friday evening. It was about 10pm when we were about to go to bed I checked his temperature and it was over 100 degrees. I gave him tylenol to take and every time I check his temperature was getting higher. I didn't get enough sleep that night. His fever continued until Saturday evening that made him not to able to attend church yesterday. He don't fever yet his throat still hurting...I pray that he will get well very soon! Anyhow...he still go to work today.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cheap Web Hosting

I was chatting with my friends who are in the Philippines and the Middle-East the other day. We haven't talked for a while so we had a very long conversation. We discussed topics such as businesses, jobs and other very exciting topics our love lives. I can't believe how time flies so fast. It seems like yesterday that we were all together and now we have individual priorities. Most of them are younger than me and treat me as their big sister. I cannot deny that I miss their companionship and their presence.

As I've said, we were discussing about business opportunities online. Some of them didn't know that there are so many ways to make money online. I shared my little knowledge on how I make money through writing blogs and selling products. When doing business in todays world it is especially the online business it is paramount to have your own website. The fact that most people are computer literate now days and have found out that shopping online is very convenient. I, myself found out how much easier and faster it is to shop online. So if you are going to set up your own business, make sure to find the best web hosting company to host your website. At you can find the cheap web hosting. The Cheap Web Hosting plans displayed are rated by the best value for the price. Overall value is determined by price, uptime reliability, quality of customer service and user feedback found on forums. Please visit their website to see more details.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

This Year - Persevere!

Before we said goodbye to the 2008 I ask myself what the new years bring to my life. I humbly down before the Lord ask him to guide me...Nothing trigger me but as I look on the economy situation there is. So many businesses has been closing down last year; so many employees lost their jobs. Is there any jobs available for the job seekers? One thing, that God spoke in my heart when I read my devotional.

We will reap a harvest if we do not give up. - Galatians 6:9 NIV

It's said that Walt Disney's request for a loan was rejected by 301 banks before he finally got a "yes". But because he refused to quit, he built the world's most famous theme park.

So, this year remember two things: (1) Perseverance is needed to win the prize. At a sales convention the manager said to 2000 of his firm's sales force, "Did the Wright brothers ever quit?" "No!" they responded. "Did Charles Lindburg ever quit?" "No!" they shouted. "Did Lance Armstrong ever quit?" "No!" they bellowed. "Did Thorndike McKester ever quit?" There was a long, confused silence. Then a salesperson shouted, "Who in the world is Thorndike McKester? Nobody's ever heard of him." The sales manager snapped back, "Of course you haven't - that's because he quit!" Quitters never win, and winners never quit.

(2) Perseverance turns adversity into advancement. Paul writes, "Everything that has happened to me here has helped to spread the Good News" (Philp 1:12 NLT). Paul didn't give up - he rose up! How did he do it? He found the benefit to him personally that comes from every trial. One Christian author writes: "Today we're obsessed with speed, but God is more interested in strength and stability. We want the quick fix, the shortcut, the on-the-spot solution. We want a sermon, a seminar or an experience that will instantly resolve all problems, remove all temptation and release us from all growing pains. But real maturity is never the result of a single experience, no matter how powerful or moving." Growth is gradual. The Bible says, "Our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters...and we become like Him" (2 Cor 3:18 TM). Thanks to The Word for Today , With Bob Gass.