Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Human growth Hormones

Oh, what a hormone. Sometimes I would say that women hormone are crazy. Would you agree??? Hehehe. Anyway, in this new generation most of the kids grow taller. Especially with our new family generation. I've seen that my nieces and nephew had no problem with their heights. They didn't even take a human growth hormone supplements. They are just naturally grow taller when they reach the exact age. I am praying that my kids will have no problem too. I knew people said that my son will not tall as their children here because I am sure. But, it's not possible they can be taller like my husband family.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ipod nano cases

Do you have ipod? I don't! I'm kinda late in some technology. I'm alright with it because I take which priority I needed most in my life, lol. Anyway, do you need ipod nano cases? You can pick which type, color you like. With the reasonable price I'm sure you will enjoy what you got. There are some store anywhere who sell but I'm telling you there are some great deal online.  So, before spending some money search which and where offer the best deal.

He needs disability insurance

My friend husband is on leave right now because he has diagnosed with traumatic stress. He had experienced in the past that keep coming to his mind. The Doctor advised him to take off for now until he said he can work again. But, he is thinking to take a disability this early since he always feel the pain on in his back. Where he work they had good benifits and even good disability insurance. I'm sure they can live with it.

My new car

This is the model of my car except it's silver.  I started driving my new honda accord car yesterday.  I can't imagine how I like driving a honda.  I was tickled when hubby texted me 2 nights ago while I was at work.  He said he can take home the car the next day.  Of course, I was anxious to drive for the first time.
As he promised, he took home the car with him the next day after he and his co-worker processed all the papers and we handed them the check.  I was surprised how smooth the driving was lastnight going to work.  I can handle it very well since it was my first time driving the Honda.  I feel more comfortable with my driving.  Your driving skill more be enhance it depends of what car you are driving.  Thank God for his provision.  He made all things beautiful in His time.  This is a blessing from him.  Glad we have some income tax return from last year.  That we don't have to worry the car loan payment every month. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Advertising flags

How ads affected the individuals? Most of the business around the world become successful because of their creativity in making their individual ads. And because their product is in need and very in demand now a days. How about advertising flags? Of course, this could be catchy to the eyes whoever sees it. I remember that passing some houses who has flags hang on their walls I can't help it but looking at them. Make it colorful that everyone has no excuse not to see it.

Overtime for 2nd week

Last weekend was my first overtime in my new job. I like to work on weekends though I could not stay all day long to keep my little man but I am thankful to my inlaws and hubby who did their best to take care of him. I have 90 days probation at work and I want them to see me I am interested of what I am doing.

Lastnight, my supervisor asked me again. "Do you want to work this weekend"? Not a mandatory yet and I said yes. Actually, he scared me because my concentration was on the job I was working on and I didn't know he was coming to my direction. He said, sorry anyway. I am sleeping in with my boy in the morning so that I will not get so tired to the rest of the week. Everyday, should be a new day.

I've known some people at work been working 4 months without anyday break. Yeah, not easy without any breat at all but I am looking to the brighter side. I'm gonna have a chunky pay check every end of the week. So thankful I get a new car. Thank the Lord for his joy and his strength.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Pool cues

One of my facebook friend is the queen of pools. She can play all day long and beat everyone. Her billiards buddies call her the billiars queen. She is very nice person and she met friends all over the world through playing pools. I guess she is good looking on pool cues before hitting the balls. She always win. I knew she had the spirit to fight and win every game she played but pool is one of her best game. 

I haven't play with her yet cause I know I'm gonna lose before the game started.  I used to play this pool games online with my hubby and it stopped and diverted to other games anyway.  My hubby and I are looking forward to have our own pool table in the future.  That would be nice!

Point of care carts

We have carts at work to use to move our stuff. So amazing how to lessen our load and make good transport so easy. On the first time I tried to push I had a problem and then my co-worker taught me to unlocked. There the point of care carts to make sure it will not move while putting your stuff on top. And, make sure all our product be in place and safe. We can't affort to bend all the pins and redo the job. We all busy and make sure taking care all the orders.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Low Fever

Not me but my boy is. He is running fever for couple days already. We give him baby medicine and it works but keep coming back. He is not active as he used to these days. We are thinking maybe because of his sprouting teeth, new changes in the house. I work longer hours now than used to.

I have to drop him off to my friend's house for 3 hours then his daddy will come and pick him up. They slept before I get off and sometimes they woke up and waited for me. I like my job right now...and I would not deny I missed my babies when I was at work.

One thing that keep me going and think while I was working everyday "I'm doing it all" to my babies. Doing it all for our future. We don't have enough to spoil ourselves once in awhile. Besides, I like to make money too. It's a way out for me to be stuck in the house. And, I'm sure my son will understand that in the future. We are doing this for all of us. For his future too!