Tuesday, June 16, 2009

In the midst of busyness

I'm busy everyday doing the house chores, babysitting, studying, bunch of homeworks and farming. You hear me I said "Farming". I'm talking about the games on facebook. I am hooked for 2 months already I guess. I'm almost at the end...My goal is to reach the mansion. Who don't like to own the mansion? Everybody does but not everyone can afford including myself. So, even in the games I can have one, lol. I told my hubby that I will take a leave working on his farm these days and consetrate to mine until I'll get the mansion. I am very, very close. Perhaps, only one level left but I need more exp to finally achieve my goal.

In these game, you can plow and plant your field yet you can hire someone to harvest them. Or you can work to other field to earn more coins. Coins is use to purchase all the equipments and supplies needed for your farm. To make more coins, you can visit your neighbor farms (water their dry fields, pulling the weeds and cleaning the mess). The computer will tell you exactly to do and you just click yes or no. Now, that flowers are available it's another way to make more coins by watering them. Not your own flowers but your neighbor flowers. Neighbors they are your facebook friend who play the same game with you. Too many people get addicted in this game and I could not blame them-it's absolute fun and neat game ever!

1 comment:

Genefaith said...

really friend..dili nalang ko motesting basin ma-addict pod ko..lisod na..

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