Thursday, December 16, 2010

Freezing cold

Our weather is getting real. Lol. Winter is here! Though I am not really enjoying this cold weather this year but I learn to be thankful. Being thankful makes life easier. I left work at 6:30 in the morning so I felt the cold every morning. I wore to jackets, warm boots and a pair of gloves but still I feel the coldness from the air.

December is almost over though so I look forward for another couple months of cold and freezing. Usually, here in Arkansas we get snow early months of the year.

Some of my friends were asking me if I'm ready to see snow again. uh! uh! I don't! I want to get out from the house if I want and needed to even it's cold. We rarely, got snow so our car tires could not handle the slippery of the ice. When there's snow in Arkansas-we normally stay home. No work!!! No, nothing!!!

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