Friday, February 25, 2011

Surprise Party

Yesterday, we surprised one of our dear friend for her birthday. I told our other friends if they are willing to give her a surprise party. Simple but thoughts what matter most. We decided to take our lunches to her house. And yes, we forgot about our diet. The good diet supplements is what we need. We ate vegetables and chicken so we avoid the red meat. Talking about desserts, there we gain bunch of calories with all the sweets that we ate. We glad to see our friend was happy about his birthday!

Health issue for women

We, asian women our concern is to gain so much weight especially us who are health concious. Do I need to take diet pills to lose weight? Well, there are so many natural ways to lose weight. Exercise and balance diet is really healthy and good for us. I used to exercise during my pregnancy but not I have many sleepless nights and I am caught up with the laziness too. My world is making circle with my son. He is my priority and need an attention.

Triple A

When I went to visit my OBgyn doctor I watched tv on the waiting area. I always saw the triple A commerical. Do you need a quicker roadside assistance? Triple A are always there. Wherever you are, whatever time. I was kinda convinced with their ads and when I came home I told my husband about it and he said it's very nice but they are expensive. If I really want it we can have it. He is right, the monthly membership is very high. Yes, the service is good. Maybe someday when we can afford to pay more bills.

My boys

Like father like son. My son is growing and becoming like his daddy's shadow. My husband said his son look like him more and more and he grow. He even like his daddy's expression. He is fascinated with electronics and paying attention on what his daddy's doing. He likes phone, laptop and wires.

He also, like wathing his daddy playing games on his phone and watching his daddy's favorite music artist. I'm happy for that. I want him to make his daddy a rule model. He is not just a good daddy but he is a good role model person. And, they both like to hang out each other. Just laid back and relax...running some errands, talking to each other and playing. Hope as our boy grow older he will be a God-fearing little man and a good boy.  I know the training starts at home and we do our best to give him that best training.

Colon cleaner cleansonix

My baby boy is 4 months old now and I asked his doctor if this is the time to start giving him cereal. She said, yes...just cereal because this could not cause him to be allergic to food. So we did tried. He start liking it but he had a BM problem. Me and his daddy were worried about it. He is too little to supper. He tried, and he kept pooting but nothing happen. So we decided to stop for now and tried again in few more months. Because there's only month and half when he turn 6 months old. Maybe he will be fine. He is too young to any medicine like cleansonix. I have lot's of milk to feed him so is not a problem yet.

Crape myrtle trees

Our backyard is barren. I mean when they started constructed our house they cut all the trees back there. So now, my hubby and I want to plant some trees back there to give us shade during summer. But my husband concern are leaves when the fall season come. So he wants to plant evergreen trees. I think he has the point but I want a tree that will change color through the season. How about this crape myrtle trees? I think this is beautiful with the bunch of flowers. But how about allergies? That's something to think about too. I don't my family to keep sneezing when the weather change.

I started a new job

Tuesday, was my first day of work at my new job. Everybody are asking far so good! There are so many things, skills that I need to learn with this new job. I am assigned on the station 447 as an inspector. We are inspecting any gadgets out of our machine to make sure is not dent, same size and case is fine. It's not a hard job and it's not too easy as well. The challenge is you have to pay attention and you need to have a good eyesights.

They gave me 90 days probation. Through this months they will put me in one area to another for find where's my strenght. I am competative and I want to learn everything they teach me. A good listener and obedient is one of the key to learn really fast. I do my best to be a good co-worker and employee with this company. Because this company is big and been here for a long time. They don't care if you leave them, but I need them. They pay good and they will give me the best training.

What stuff we are making? Everything about your laptops, pc, cars, cp, and a lot more. So maybe you see our label on your gadgets MX USA that's us. By the way I work at MOLEX!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Women Vitamins

I don't take any supplemental vitamins except for iron until I got pregnant last year. My OB Doctor prescribed me with expensive vitamins for me and my son. It works really good though I spent $60 monthly after the insurance. That's how expensive was my vitamins. My hubby was okay with that he said we should think as an investment for our boy. Now, we can see the result. Johan is very alert and shown his physical skills earlier from some other kids. Taking vitamins is very important to all of us. Either children, youth, men and women. We need an energy to keep us going everyday. If you are looking what vitamins suit you check this out

coogi clothing

And, he looks good! All of our friends noticed that my hubby would not wear any jeans. Infact, his one and only jeans he finally gave away to the charity. He prefer to wear slacks and long/short sleves shirts. He would not wear t-shirt at all but sometimes I force him to wear anyway especially when he put on his shorts.

I kept asking him why he will not wear jeans at all. He said it's not comfortable and heavy. He has the point but very unusual for a person without pair of Jeans at all. I could not blame him he got the point. I suggested him that I might find a non-heavy jeans that he could wear. He is willing to try too. Hope I can find pair in coogi clothing. I heard this is one of a fine brand.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Looking good

This is my son, Johan.  He just turned 4 months old on the 11th of February.   Ain't he look good?  Lol.  For us, he is the apple of our eyes. This suit was given to him by my father-in-law's first cousin.  They went to Branson last summer and they thought it would be perfect for our son.   I'm so glad I spotted this before it's too late.   Just perfect size for him right now though it said on the tag 6-9 months.  Or I would say, my son is a big boy as his age.

I love looking on this picture.  He is sharp dresser.  He knows how to dressed up? At least! hehehe.  My hubby is grateful that whoever give Johan an outfit they knew our taste-hehehe.  I'm looking forward for the next size of  this formal outfit. I'm sure he will look good again.

Friday Payday

With my job right now, friday is our payday. We don't have chance to have payday advances because the company not allow us to do that. Anyway, I have no problem with that. I make sure my hubby and I spend our money wisely. We make sure all our bills are paid off, we have food, gas for our both cars. Basic needs are very important to be meet. When we have extras so we spoil ourselves sometimes like eating in the restaurant and shopping.

fuji cameras

Last Saturday, when we had the Valentine's dance in our church our friends ask me if how much it cost to buy a digital camera. They are old folks so they don't know about latest technology that much this day. So, I told them it depends to the brand. Mine was a gift from my in laws 2 years ago so was not cost that much for me. I haven't search or own fuji cameras so I guess this might be a good option brand too. I heard fuji's brand for a long time and they are still in businees so that means they are also quality brand.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Weighing scales

I weigh once in a while after giving birth. Yeah, I lost some of my weight that I gained during my pregnancy but still I am not back to my normal weight. I am not worried about that much cause I know how to lose those weight if I want to. My concern is to lose the extra belly that I have. One of my friend said, the hardest part of having C-Section is losing the pochy in the belly. I was wondering why I could not lose mine yet though all my bottom clothes fit me at all. I stood in the weighing scales the other day and the excess weight is not bad at all. I just need to snow on my carbohydrates and I'm back to normal weight pretty soon.

Lastest about my boy

I am very impatient person that's why God always deal me in this area. Few weeks ago, I was suspecting that my son start teething. He drools really bad, bite, fussy and irritated. That's not my normal boy. He is happy and charm.

My mother-in-law got him orajel to helped ease the pain in his gums. Also, he don't like to bite his teether but he preferred to grabbed our fingers and stick to his mouth. So I told my hubby that I read an article that is also good that he suck our fingers and we have the opportunity to massage his gums. We just want to make sure newly wash and clean before letting the boy to put in his mouth.

After 2 nights of not sleeping good I checked his gum and I felt the shapness. Woohoo!!! Here comes the tooth baby! This is the sign that his tooth is close to show. He is not toothless anymore. I have to be ready when I feed him I will experience biting??? Oh yeah...this the pain of doing the breastfeeding. But on the other hand, this is our great bonding to each other. He is close to me and I feel how my son loves me as well as I loved him. Anyway, I just can't wait to see his actual tooth!