Saturday, March 26, 2011

My new car

This is the model of my car except it's silver.  I started driving my new honda accord car yesterday.  I can't imagine how I like driving a honda.  I was tickled when hubby texted me 2 nights ago while I was at work.  He said he can take home the car the next day.  Of course, I was anxious to drive for the first time.
As he promised, he took home the car with him the next day after he and his co-worker processed all the papers and we handed them the check.  I was surprised how smooth the driving was lastnight going to work.  I can handle it very well since it was my first time driving the Honda.  I feel more comfortable with my driving.  Your driving skill more be enhance it depends of what car you are driving.  Thank God for his provision.  He made all things beautiful in His time.  This is a blessing from him.  Glad we have some income tax return from last year.  That we don't have to worry the car loan payment every month. 


Unknown said...

Hi Mi, glad that you are driving now and own a nice car too. Are you still going to school?

Micawatson said...

Hi ate...yes been driving for 2 years and blessed to own a car too. God is been so good to us. Stop muna ako school lng sa