Monday, April 25, 2011

New shower curtains

We were at the store the other day and I saw shower curtains for sale. I was thinking that my son's bathroom need a new one but I change my mind. We had so many expenses in the last 2 months. Aside from the new car we are still paying some of our medical bills. Whew!!! This is life. We work hard and continue paying the unending bills. My hubby and I hoping that we will finish paying them so soon. That's one reason that I grab every overtime days and it helps!

Bad thunderstorms

Our weather this week is kinda crazy. We gonna have thunderstorm most of the days of this week. It started lastnight. My parents-in-law were here and we grilled out yesterday for easter weekend and for their 42nd anniversary. I am not tired to say it again..I am blessed! God blessed me with wonderful family here. Though I am many miles away from home He give me comfort and love.

Supposedly, today FIL had Dr. appointment but due to the weather they decided to cancell and move some other time. They were afraid to get stuck on the road on the way home. I understand I don't want that to happen with me too. As of now, the weather just look fine. The rain had stopped and the sun came out. Soon, it will start the storm again. Please pray for us for safety. I'm working and came home late in the evening. Hopefully the weather calm down as soon as we get off work tonight.

Friday, April 15, 2011

BSN online

All things is possible and accesible now. Like taking classes online is very known now a days. Can you imagine finishing bsn online? I have some friend taking nursing classes online. How that can be possible? How they do their practice at home? Maybe their instructor are giving them homework and lab experiment at home? When you are thinking of going back to school check out those classes that you can take while staying home. I'd done it before but only my minor classes.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Upholstery fabric

Sometimes, its difficult to shop for fabric that you want to. Like when we were preparing my son's bedroom we could not get the decor or beddings that we want. So we look online and look for upholstery fabric that would fit to our plan. I'm so glad that my mom-in-law know how to sew. And, she did a good job sewing my son's beddings. Also, our friend gave us another blanket and it's beautiful! There so many ideas we can get online and it's not difficult to try.

Time of teething?

My son been teething for a long time. We saw the white stuff in his gum but it didn't come through yet. What's wrong? Why it takes a long time before his teeth actually show up. He is in pain right now and give him fever. He just want to bite our fingers and anything in his hands.

Two nights, I didn't get a good night sleep since he is deeply in pain. He was whining a lot. Of course, being a mommy I could not ignore. I came home late from work but I do my best to do my duty as mommy to my son and wife to my husband. Balancing my time..sometimes is difficult!

I can't wait to get over in these stage. I want his teeth to come through so soon that it will be relieve for him and us. We don't to see him crying because of pain. We can't help but to make sure to make him comfortable as we can. I thank God for his joy that keep me going. For the joy of the Lord is my strength!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cutting tools

Oh what spring bring for you? I saw my plants outside and they needed to trim. I don't know where's my cutting tools yet. Lol, I told my husband that we need to do some cleaning before our son start to crawl. Our mini pool is waiting for us to clean and set up and enjoy the water with the little man. This gonna be exciting for us since we have a little person at home. Can't wait to hear my son to tell us what he wants to do. Or seeing him helping us do something-that would be fun!

Ipad accessories

Last Christmas most of my co-worker in my previous job they were buying ipad accessories as christmas presents for their family who have an ipad. What's in ipad why is so in demand? Maybe I am just getting old and didn't care much about most of the technology right now. I am happy I have something I needed the most. I am very low maintenance person, lol. Anyway, my hubby suggested before that I need to get me an ipad that I can use while working on weekends but I refused. I heard too many music while working weekends. I didn't know where to listen anyway. No need to competent with them.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sleepy head

This week is one of tiring week for me. I want to get more sleep but can't. What's up with me folks! I had to sing really, really lound when I drive otherwise I fall asleep while the car is in motion. I have to do extra careful not to get a ticket again.

At work, there are times at I keep yawning and yawning. I have to avoid not to yawn infront of my supervisor and our lead. I do my best to perform my duty the best as always. Thank God I manage everything good so far.

This morning I tried to get some more exercise while pushing the stroller. My son liked our stroll and I had a great time with him too. He was fascinated with his sorroundings. He was looking around and just amused everything that he saw. What a beautiful creation he wondered. With the time we spent outside was so amazing. I'm so glad I have so much time to spend with him though I work all the time. Hope tonight when I get off this article I can have a good, good night sleep.