Friday, October 19, 2012

Somebody just had the birthday

Above was the picture of my favorite boy birthday party last Saturday. We decided to do his party at the park because he just love to play. He like the slide, monkey bar and run around doing his thing. He was sleeping the whole morning that day after getting up early that morning. So, when his grandparents arrived to the location with him. He was surprised!!! His expression was priceless. Pointing to the slides and looked up to us. Then, ran and haller to all the kids who were there. I told my hubby we did a perfect decision for his 2nd birthday party. He had a blast! Also, he took a nap that day so everything go perfectly. He enjoyed opening his presents but of course, I was still helping him because he stucked with the stuff he liked. The picture above shows that he could not wait to grab all the toys on that cake. His gradmom made that yummy cake and tried to finish the topper but Jo' started grabbing all the toys off that cake already. Well, it's all his so we just let him play some of it and hide the cake in our truck until about time. I can't believe how time flies it's like yesterday I was pregnant with him now he turned 2 last week. God is great and faithful to his life. We thank the Lord everyday for him!

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