Thursday, March 3, 2011

Low Fever

Not me but my boy is. He is running fever for couple days already. We give him baby medicine and it works but keep coming back. He is not active as he used to these days. We are thinking maybe because of his sprouting teeth, new changes in the house. I work longer hours now than used to.

I have to drop him off to my friend's house for 3 hours then his daddy will come and pick him up. They slept before I get off and sometimes they woke up and waited for me. I like my job right now...and I would not deny I missed my babies when I was at work.

One thing that keep me going and think while I was working everyday "I'm doing it all" to my babies. Doing it all for our future. We don't have enough to spoil ourselves once in awhile. Besides, I like to make money too. It's a way out for me to be stuck in the house. And, I'm sure my son will understand that in the future. We are doing this for all of us. For his future too!

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