Thursday, June 30, 2011

Night coughs

My son Johan had been coughing lastnight. I felt so sorry for him because I knew how it feels when cough disturb you in your deep sleep. He don't cry or show annoyed anyway but as a mom I felt his pain. I am blessed that God bless us a wonderful son who are not into crying all the time. As long mom or dad is around him he feel secure and safe. When he is not feeling well he wants to sleep in our bed with us.

I don't want him to be a habit but to make us got some sleep all night we just let him. He is been sleeping good in his own bed for many weeks already so that's one blessing too. He moves a lot so that once reason that I don't want him to be in with us. He occupy a big space and I am afraid that he will fall in the bed too which happen twice already.

Anyway, he will feel any better today and tonight. Hope the cough be over!

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