Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sleepless nite???

Why I am still awake? Can't beleive how tired I was at work today when I got home I am wide awake. What's wrong with me??? I have no choice but take a shower at 3am, listening to audio bible and now writing this blog. Better to do something or let's say accomplish something while I'm up and my brain is functioning well.

I'm praying that I can fall asleep very soon since I needed some sleep to empower myself to work later. I need seriously rest. A better rest that make my brain and other parts of my body function really well. My son slept tight when I came home tonight so is my hubby. Hoping I can be snoozing and snores as what my boys do. Hate this sleepness nite.

1 comment:

Tess said...

I had to go to the potty around 4 this morning and I can't go back to sleep. I do not have to go to work today and I do not have to work the whole summer! I am going to stay home with my boys and just enjoy my time with them.

I hope you get'll enough sleep this weekend.