Monday, April 6, 2009

A winner everday in April!


We used to have cable tv when I got here two years ago, but I suggested to my hubby to cut it off since we didn't use it. We only watched TV every now and again, but we paid for it every month. We were on a tight budget at that time so making the decision to cut off the cable TV was rather easy. Honestly, I only watched American Idol once a week because on Wednesday we had activities in our Church. And, we watch the weather every now and then, but today weather updates are accesible online. I am not saying that we really don't want to have cable tv again...of course we do in the future. My hubby love to watch "How It's Made" and "Mike Rowe's Dirty Jobs" show.

I was surprised when I read this, "A winner everday in April!" Huh? Is that true? Yes, it's true! HD programming continues to grow in popularity and Charter Communications is trying to meet that demand – offering customers who order services at a chance to win a 22” flat screen HDTV every day throughout April. This contest is open to new and upgrading customers. Oh, how exciting that could be. The contest is found on the easy-to-use website, Not only that, Charter is also offering an opportunity to win a grand prize package that includes a 52” LCD flat screen HDTV, a Home Theater System, and one year of free Charter Digital Cable® service with HD programming. Join now and you may be the lucky one!


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