Thursday, April 2, 2009

Finally, the Tulips bloom!

It was last year that I wanted to plant Tulips in my flower bed. Because I was not the expert about flowers I asked the opinion of my mother-in-law. She is very supportive in my ideas and she bought me a bag of Tulips bulbs, lol. I was so excited and I bury those bulb during the fall season. The weather kinda weird and I had doubt if the Tulips would grow. It was February when I saw the Tulips began to sprout. I was excited and counted them everyday. I put some fertilizers to nourished them and removed the dry leaves and weeds in my flower bed. Last week, they started to bloom and they are still blooming these days. The red Tulips dominated...I mean I planted several colors but I only saw few yellow and purple(pink) that bloom. Well, I don't mind I am just happy they finally blooming.
Purple(pink) Tulips
Yellow Tulips

Red Tulips

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