Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bending Low

“Every knee will bow to the name of Jesus.” Philippians 2:9-10

Servants resist stubbornness. Ulrich Zwingli manifested such a spirit. He promoted unity during Europe’s Great Reformation. At one point he found himself at odds with Martin Luther. Zwingli did not know what to do. He found his answer one morning on the side of a Swiss mountain. He watched two goats traversing a narrow path from opposite directions, one ascending, the other descending. At one point the narrow trail prevented them from passing each other. When they saw each other, they backed up and lowered their heads, as though ready to lunge. But then a wonderful thing happened. The ascending goat lay down on the path. The other stepped over his back. The first animal then arose and continued on his climb to the top. Zwingli observed that the goat made it higher because he was willing to bend lower.

Didn’t the same happen to Jesus? “God made his name greater than every other name so that every knee will bow to the name of Jesus.”-Max Lucado.
As the word said in the book of Ezekiel said" If my people humble themselves and pray", I will hear from heaven and heal the land. We cannot deny that our nation forgot to honor and acknowledge the power of God. Humility is the key that again we will receive the favor and mercy of the Lord.

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