Thursday, August 28, 2008

The 3 worst money moves you can make

On bugetting I would say, I am better than my hubby. I am not saying that I am the super hero, but I think most women (wives) are doing the same. Though how expert I am on hadling the money, many times I have to consider my husband opinion regarding money matters.
Sound financial advice doesn't change much from year to year. Bad money management ideas, however, seem to mutate and flourish with each passing season.

Borrowing against our home equity and retirement funds, for example, was once tough to do -- and generally understood as a bad idea. Today, financial services companies encourage us to do both. Lenders also urge us to stretch farther and farther to buy our homes, often to our peril.

The 3 worst money moves you can make

1. Use a home equity loan to pay off credit-card debt

2. Borrow from your 401(k)
3. Stretch to buy a house

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