Monday, October 6, 2008

Convert docx files to doc and ouput pdfs

Have you received a Microsoft Word 2007 (docx) document and are unable to open it? Let’s say you had a friend forwarded you a file, but you couldn't open it with Word 2003 or below. What was the problem? The file wasn't compatible with the program you have on your computer. Here is an excellent way to resolve your problem, use DOCX2DOC to Convert files from Docx To Doc. Microsoft began using a new form of file that is based on Extensible Markup Language or XML for short. The original DOC files were binary files and were changed with the new 2007 MS Office Suite. Also the DOCX format is not backwards compatible with previous versions of Microsoft Office. This can be solved by converting your .docx files to the previous .doc format. Convert docx files to doc and ouput pdfs with DOCX2DOC. Check out for more details.

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