Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I won the bidding

I was hooked up to ebay store in few days. I don't know why but I just want to have fun looking some items inside. Actually my hubby sold bunch of his electronics stuff lately and I checked his account every now and then to see if his selling items are likeable or not. He did pretty good job. He got more than he thought to get from all those stuff.

I found some brand new items in very cheap price and that catched my eyes. I bidded the other day but I lost. I don't want to further on my expectation price. My principles if it's for me the price won't go beyond my limit. Lastnight, I found this cute Vanilla Star White Slim-Fit Skinny Capris Junior size thought would be nice to have one of this. I bid for $2.50 then somebody bidded again. I bid again for $3.75 and I won. This is free shipping already. Lol, can you guess what is my limit price now? hehehe!

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